Healthy Aging

Elderly Skin Care
August 13, 2008, 8:53 pm
Filed under: skin care

Proper attention to aging skin care is extremely important for both you and your caregiver.  As you age you have unique and specific circumstances that need to be identified and handled properly

Chronic wounds are one obstacle faced by seniors.  These are characterized by loss of skin or the soft tissue underneath and they don’t heal normally with traditional care and treatment.  The wound needs habitual tending to including cleansing, proper dressings and protection from further aggravation.  Changes in the wound need to be identified and brought to your doctor’s attention.

Caring for dry skin is probably the most common need with respect to elderly skin care.  In fact 85% of older people are afflicted.  As with chronic wounds, regular routines and habits need to be implemented. 

Aging skin can be specifically sensitive and as such harsh everyday lotions need to be avoided in favour of ones designed for this specific circumstance.  This includes moisturizers and mild soaps.

While it is not pleasant to think about, elder skin care needs to involve regular examination for skin cancer and other serious conditions.  You want to watch for moles that are changing shape, colour or just appearing different.  Also be on the lookout for areas that are red, peeling, irritated, chapped, cracked or are severely itching.  Additionally watch for new growths and sores that do not heal.  Not everything is cause for alarm, but these concerns should be raised with your doctor.  Finding cancer early and treating it quickly is the key to success.

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