Healthy Aging

Walk and sleep Your way to healthy aging
May 16, 2008, 2:36 am
Filed under: excercise, sleep

As we get older our bodies change and we need to make lifestyle changes to accommodate this. It is sometimes more difficult to find the energy to be active, but it is extremely important to persevere. It can become a vicious circle otherwise, as a lack of physical activity can actually result in us feeling more lethargic.

The first step to a healthy active lifestyle is getting a good night’s sleep. This foundation will boost your energy and help maintain your weight. You mind becomes sharper and you can make decisions with less anguish. A good night’s sleep is beneficial for your immune system, which keeps you from getting sick easily. A lack of sleep slows growth hormones and converts muscle to fat. While our focus in this article is to discuss how staying active promotes healthy aging, you need to understand that sleeping well is a key factor to your success.

Let’s start with walking. Walking keeps your muscles limber and relieves anxiety, depression and stress. This improves the quality of your sleep, which we already mentioned is necessary for a healthy aging body. You wake up in the morning, more rested. Also if you don’t get the right amount of sleep your body needs to compensate for the lack of energy it needs. Your body releases glucose or insulin in response, which will slow down your metabolism. A slow metabolism causes weight gain.

Exhaustion from lack of sleep has a ripple effect. You are unable to think or perform at your peak, which snowballs into a myriad of other problems. Proper rest will balance your body’s needs and give you the fuel to be more active which will initiate a positive snowball effect.

Don’t set yourself up to fail. Limit your intake of caffeine, cigarettes and other harmful stimulants that may keep you awake at night.

If you are retired start you’re walking routine first thing in the morning. You will begin your day feeling more alive and “loose”. This exercise will assist you in burning fat and calories and will make a big difference on your outlook for the rest of the day. Begin your walking and really any excursive routine by taking it slowly at first. As you fall into a regular habit and your body can endure more, then you can pick up your speed. But remember as we get older it is even more critical that you do not push yourself beyond the limit of what your body tells you it can endure. You do not want to extend yourself to the point where you are out of breath. You simply want to get your heart rate up.

Find a walking buddy! This can be your spouse, friend or even a pet. Unless you enjoy periods being alone and allowed to think, walking can be lonely. Nothing will derail an exercise routine faster than not enjoying it. Walking with a partner will make the experience infinitely more enjoyable and will aid in the hours flying by.

When you reach the end of your walk, don’t stop abruptly. Instead slow your pace and allow your body to cool down.

Ensuring your begin your day with a brisk walk and end your day with a fulfilling night’s sleep, you have take the first key steps to walking and sleeping your way to good health as you age.